
Ethos Dev Update: Advancing Towards Mainnet Launch

Apr 10, 2024


Ethos Network is getting closer to the mainnet with significant milestone achievements:

  • Final Testnet for the Guardian Chain
  • Ethos AVS contract on Holesky testnet
  • Restaking chain PoC deployed
  • Code-freeze for audit preparation
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • (Up next!) Chain integrations and Operator onboarding


We're excited to share the remarkable progress we have made in our journey toward a secure and successful Ethos mainnet launch! Our team has been diligently working on key milestones to ensure optimal performance for our network.

Guardian Chain Testnet Release

We have deployed our final pre-release testnet of the Ethos Guardian Chain and are currently onboarding operators to rigorously test and validate the network's functionality and stability. This crucial phase allows us to gather valuable feedback and make necessary optimizations before the mainnet launch.

Ethos AVS Deployed to Holesky Testnet

We have successfully deployed the Ethos AVS to EigenLayer testnet on Holesky, marking a major milestone in our development process. This deployment enables us to thoroughly test the integration of our AVS with the underlying infrastructure, ensuring seamless compatibility and performance.

Restaking Chain Launched on Testnet

In our pursuit of enhanced robustness, we have deployed a Proof-of-Concept chain that derives its security from restaked ETH through Ethos Guardian Chain. This PoC showcases our dedication to creating a resilient and secure network that harnesses the strength of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Preparation for Audit

With our audit kickoff on April 15th fast approaching, the Ethos modules and the Guardian chain code are nearing a code freeze. This critical step allows us to finalize and stabilize our codebase, preparing it for a comprehensive security audit to ensure the utmost integrity and reliability of our network.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

We have made considerable strides in boosting our network's fault tolerance. One notable improvement is the rehashing and optimization of our vote extension logic. This upgrade enables Ethos’s consensus mechanism to handle faults and disagreements more effectively, fostering a stable and reliable network.

The Path Forward

As the mainnet draws closer, we remain committed to prioritizing the safety and optimal performance of the Ethos Network. In the coming weeks, here are the key next steps we're focusing on:

  1. Operator Onboarding: We will continue to onboard and engage with operators to ensure a smooth transition to the mainnet and cultivate a thriving ecosystem.
  2. Audit Fixes: Once the security audit concludes, we will promptly address any identified issues and implement necessary fixes to maintain the highest standards of security and reliability.
  3. Chain Integrations: We are actively collaborating with our announced ecosystem partners to integrate chains, expanding the utility and accessibility of the Ethos Network.

We are incredibly grateful for the support and enthusiasm of our community throughout this journey. Keep an eye out for more exciting updates and a dedicated channel for questions and feedback!